Symbolic Posture vs Mantra of Inscriptions
Seems to me that [Symbolic Posture] is an extremely weak skill when compared with [Mantra of Inscriptions].
Both skills cost 10 energy, and both skills have a 20 second recharge. Symbolic Posture recharged the next signet only, and recharges it marginally faster than Mantra of Inscriptions, which works on all signets.
Has anyone found a use for this skill? The only use I can think of is if you wanted to recharge one signet which was key to your build, and didn't want to invest in Inspiration Magic. Personally, I feel this skill requires a slight buff. It's in a Primary Attribute, so it's useless to non-Mesmers as it is. Perhaps if the energy cost was dropped to 5, and the recharge of the skill reduced to 12 or 15?
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